Swiss Triple Impact

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The STI Program in Numbers

Participating organisations
Pledges taken
STI Directory Leaders
Agriculture and Agricultural Services


Member since: 

May 2022
Grangeneuve is the competence centre of the canton of Fribourg for training, advice and execution in the field of agriculture. Grangeneuve is also the training centre for other agricultural professions – horticulture and forestry – as well as for food processing, home economics and management. Grangeneuve provides services and infrastructure for seminars.

B Corp since

May 2022

Goal 1

Core Business
By 2026, we integrate sustainability into all of our training offerings for careers in land, nature, food and home economics, compared with 20 % in 2022.*
* Innovation and sustainable food systems, conservation of terrestrial ecosystems, and sustainable home economics, according to the 2030 Agenda.

Goal 2

Core Business
By 2026, we integrate sustainability and new trends into 80 %, of our services according to the cantonal sustainability strategy, compared to 30 % in 2022.*
* Examples of new trends: smart farming and resilient agriculture in agricultural production, permaculture and urban farming, also for a wider audience. Services: Continuing education and individual and collective services in the fields of agriculture, nature, food processing and stewardship.

Goal 3

Internal operations
By 2030, we reduce our emissions of harmful gases from livestock farming (methane and ammonia) by 20 %, and increase the biodiversity promotion areas (BPA) by 10 %, compared to 2022.*
* Grangeneuve’s BPA is currently 70 % higher than existing standards.

Goal 4

Internal Operations
By 2030, we reduce our tCO2eq emissions from energy consumption and mobility by 30 % and our drinking water consumption by 30 %, compared with 2020.*
* Increasing our share of renewable energy (photovoltaic panels and biogas) to 50 %, compared with 25 % in 2022.

Goal 5

Internal Operations
By 2026, we increase well-being at work and employee satisfaction to 90 %, compared to 85 % in 2022, by promoting continuous training, staff development and diversity.*
* Diversity: promoting bilingualism and gender equality in senior positions.

Scope of pledges

Grangeneuve, Establishment under public law of the canton of Fribourg, operates in Switzerland. The pledges taken within the STI framework apply to the sustainability policy for all activities of Grangeneuve in Switzerland. The company is therefore accountable for their implementation within the limits of its field of activity.
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Catering & Meeting / Event Management

SV (Schweiz) AG

Member since: 

July 2020
SV Switzerland is an operating subsidiary of the SV Group and responsible for the foodservice business areas. Its headquarters are in Dübendorf near Zurich. The activities of SV Switzerland include restaurants for companies and schools, food delivery services and catering, as well as concept, leisure and event catering. SV Schweiz employs around 4,400 people.

B Corp since

July 2020

Goal 1

Core Business
By 2023, we reduce our tCO2eq emissions (Scopes 1, 2 & 3) by 17 % compared to 2018, and we set greenhouse gas reduction targets as part of the Science-based targets initiative (SBTi)(*
* SBTi greenhouse gas near- and long-term reduction targets on Scopes 1, 2 & 3. See partner report by WWF Switzerland (link:

Goal 2

Supply chain
By 2030, we increase the share of food from ecological, social, and ethical production in our purchasing to at least 30 %, compared to 18 % in 2018.*
* Following production requirements are taken into account in the evaluation: Knospe Bio Suisse, IP-Suisse, EU Organic, BTS, RAUS, MSC, ASC, Fairtrade Max Havelaar, UTZ and Rainforest Alliance. See our definition for ecological, social and ethical (animal welfare) production in our sustainability report. (link:

Goal 3

Internal operations
By 2030, we reduce food waste by 50 %, meaning less than 20g per main meal, compared to 38g in 2022.*
* In line with the Federal Office for the Environment food waste reduction goal. (link:

Goal 4

Internal Operations
By 2025, all our employees follow a regular training in environmental and social sustainability with a focus on nutrition, by expanding our sustainability training programme.*
* Training in sustainable food-related supply, purchasing, resources and employees via internal face-to-face courses in the restaurants, at the head office and on e-learning offers, with a time frame per employee to be defined. We also commit to other areas of social sustainability and will define further targets by the end of 2023.

Goal 5

Internal Operations
By 2026, we reduce the carbon footprint of commuting by 30 %, compared with no reduction in 2022.*
* 40 % of commuter journeys are from individual motorised transport in 2022.

Scope of pledges

M&BD Consulting SA operates mainly in Switzerland. The pledges taken within the STI framework apply to the sustainability policy for all activities of M&BD Consulting SA in Switzerland. The company is therefore accountable for their implementation within the limits of its field of activity.
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Housewares / Home Furnishings / Accessories

ebnat AG

Member since: 

May 2021
Ebnat AG was founded in 1914 and can look back on 100 years of experience. The company produces and sells interdental, dental, household and industrial brushes under its own and third-party labels. By being close to the market, Ebnat can constantly optimise market services and adapt them to the client’s needs. Many of their products are equipped with patented elements that make them unmistakable.

B Corp since

May 2021

Goal 1

Core Business
By 2030, we generate a turnover share of at least 20 % from circular products.*
* Currently there is no circular product in Ebnat’s product assortment, according to Ellen MacArthur’s definition, where waste is not created in the first place.

Goal 2

Internal Operations
By 2025, we recycle 100 % of traceable and uncontaminated plastic waste in-house, representing a 50 % increase.*
* In addition, we aim at recycling 120 t of plastic waste in-house from two external partner companies, to reuse them in our own sustainable product lines.

Goal 3

Supply Chain
By 2028, we ensure that 100 % of our suppliers from risk countries comply with the Core Labour Standards according to the ILO.*
* Criteria and verification carried out by external specialized organizations (Sedex, BSCI).

Goal 4

Internal Operations
By 2025, we ensure that our entire organisation is certified for family balance as well as gender balance.*
* According to the UND-rating criteria, balancing family and work both for men and women.

Goal 5

Core Business
By 2025, we increase the sold plant-based meals to 50 % of our annual menu planning.*
* Currently at 35 % plant-based meals on the annual planning.

Scope of pledges

Ebnat AG operates in Switzerland. The pledges taken within the STI framework apply to the sustainability policy for all activities of Ebnat AG in Switzerland. The company is therefore accountable for their implementation within the limits of its field of activity.
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The STI explained in one minute

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Pathway Stories

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27 Aug 2024

13:00 -


Kulturpark Zürich



STI - Priorisierungs-Workshop (Zürich) - Gruppe 4
Das Programm «Swiss Triple Impact» (STI) begleitet Sie, wenn Sie den Weg zu nachhaltigerem Wirtschaften einschlagen wollen. Die Nachhaltigkeitsziele (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) der Uno bilden die Grundlage dieses Programms.



STI - Priorisierungs-Workshop (Zürich) - Gruppe 4
27 Aug 2024

13:00 -


Kulturpark Zürich

28 Aug 2024

11:00 -





Swiss Triple Impact Introduction (FR)
Introduction au programme Swiss Triple Impact - un programme de durabilité orienté vers les solutions pour les entreprises suisses de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs.



Swiss Triple Impact Introduction (FR)
28 Aug 2024

11:00 -

