Support B Lab Switzerland

Your donations empower our work towards an inclusive, fair and regenerative economy.

Why do we need external support?

As a not-for-profit organisation, we operate on a mixed funding model, with programme income from companies, partnership fees, public funding and private donations. This allows us to develop new initiatives until they become self-sustaining, and to invest in projects where the benefits are shared among many stakeholders, or where the impact is longer-term – such as policy change. This combination of activities is essential to bring about the systemic change we believe is essential for people and the planet.

Would you like to make a donation to B Lab Switzerland? B Lab Switzerland is recognised by the Republic and Canton of Geneva as an association with public interest objectives. Donations to charitable organisations are eligible for tax deductions in most cantons.

Banners BLab Newsletter December (1)

Support our work towards system's change by making a donation

Account details:
B Lab Switzerland
Rue de Lyon 77, 1203 Geneva

IBAN: CH94 0839 0038 7386 1010 6

Bank: Alternative Bank Switzerland
Clearing: 8390

Interested in becoming a partner?

Our team is happy to discuss the possibilities with you!