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Machinery & Equipment

Aprotec SA

Member since: 

March 2021
Aprotec is an SME specialising in emergency and safety lighting. Founded in 1958, the third generation, represented by A-S Dunand-Blaesi, now runs the family business with 70 employees. Aprotec, which holds the Swissmade label, offers a complete production chain: from the project study by engineers, to the sale of the material, via manufacturing and finally the commissioning and monitoring of the installations.

B Corp since

March 2021

Goal 1

Core Business
By 2024, we recycle 96 % of our lead batteries.*
* By the end of 2021, 75 % of our core business-related waste (lead batteries) was recycled. Stretchgoal to reduce overall waste by 2025.

Goal 2

Supply Chain
By 2023, 80 % of our main suppliers meet our sustainable procurement principles.*
* Annual audit in the form of a questionnaire and customized visit for each supplier committed to the charter.

Goal 3

Internal operations
By 2023, 100 % of our employees receive at least one training course per year, either professional or of personal interest, to ensure their employability and well-being.*
* At least half a day of training per year for each employee, thanks to the creation of the AproAcadémie.

Scope of pledges

Aprotec AG operates in Switzerland. The pledges taken within the STI framework apply to the sustainability policy for all activities of Aprotec AG in Switzerland. The company is therefore accountable for their implementation within the limits of its field of activity.