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Information, communication & technology

Getting Digit / Mon Entreprise Durable

Member since: 

June 2021
Getting Digit supports those who are taking action to transform their organisation. Thanks to its taskforces and Coptain App digital platforms, Getting Digit helps its customers to succeed in their projects faster and more sustainably. Its digital pathways cover digital marketing, business creation, business transfer/takeover and employability. The Mon Entreprise Durable solutions offer comprehensive CSR support tailored to the needs of SMEs and local authorities.

B Corp since

June 2021

Goal 1

Core Business
By 2026, 80% of our CSR support mandates, i.e. 70 companies, integrate at least 3 impacting measures into their business model within 3 years.*
* According to the list of ISMART criteria published online at Mon Entreprise Durable: https://www.monentreprisedurable.ch/criteres-de-reussite

Goal 2

Internal Operations
By 2030, we reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 50 % (Scopes 1, 2 & 3).*
* By engaging in the SME Climate Commitment initiative, in line with the United Nations Race to Zero campaign, representing a reduction in our greenhouse gas emissions of 8 % per year. See SME Climate Hub.

Goal 3

Internal operations
By 2027, we invest 1 % of our annual turnover to enable the Singa association to double the capacity of its various programmes, thereby strengthening the professional inclusion of 240 new entrepreneurs with experience of asylum or migration.*
* By setting up a digital platform enabling the Singa team to support an additional 120 participants by running 2 ‘Incubator’ programmes yearly, compared with 1 previously, and providing remote access to support programmes for 120 new participants.

Scope of pledges

Getting Digit GmbH, under the brand of Mon Entreprise Durable, mainly operates in Switzerland, France and Belgium. The pledges taken within the STI framework apply to the sustainability policy for all operations of Getting Digit GmbH carried out mainly in Switzerland, France and Belgium. The company is therefore accountable for their implementation within the limits of its field of activity.