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Alpine Genius Think Tank Sàrl

Delivering regenerative and holistic solutions inspired by the Alpine natural bioregion for the Alpine economic, ecological, and social ecosystem.

Goal 1

Core Business
By 2026, we generate 70 % of our revenue from nature-inspired workshops compared with 35 % in 2024 through by raising awareness to a wider audience of over 400 people.

Goal 2

Internal Operations
By 2027, we upskill and mentor at least one woman per year pro bono, through research projects or a thesis, representing an average of approximately 100 hours per year.

Goal 3

Internal operations
By 2026, we partner for climate action and biodiversity and mentor over 15 new public stakeholders, by allocating 50 hours of pro bono work per employee per year.*
* By stakeholders, we mean public institutions like municipalities or schools.

Scope of pledges

Alpine Genius Think Tank Sàrl operates in Switzerland. The pledges taken within the STI framework relate to the sustainability policy applying to all Alpine Genius Think Tank Sàrl operations carried out in Switzerland. The company is therefore accountable for their implementation within the limits of its scope of activity.